Our Place
Suzanne Aubert Catholic School is an integrated Year 1-6 Catholic primary school opening in Papamoa in February 2021. The school will open with close to 100 learners and grow to a roll of 250 by 2024. Our coastal school is situated in Papamoa East and is part of the All Saints by the Sea Catholic Parish.
Online enrolment is now open!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the school be ready to open at the start of 2021?
Absolutely! We have learners enrolled in our school, a dedicated team of teachers, an innovative curriculum for learning and a community that is growing every day. The contractors have made incredible progress with the school building process and we will have handover to our school site on the following dates:
- Office Administration: 21st January
- Learning Hub 1: 25th January
- Learning Hub 2: Mid February
Who do I contact at Suzanne Aubert?
For general and administrative inquiries please contact Maria Mooney, our office administrator on office@suzanneaubert.school.nz. For specific inquiries about learning, please contact your child’s whānau teacher. This is the kaiako who is best placed to answer the questions you may have about your child’s pastoral and learning needs. There are also at least two other teachers in the teams that know your child’s learning who can support you. For other inquiries about general learning, please contact a member of our leadership team.
What is Whanaungatanga Day?
Whanaungatanga Day will be held on the school site on Thursday 28th of January from 8am- 5pm. This is an opportunity to meet your child’s whānau teacher and share goals, aspirations and interests. We will have 30 minute slots available for you to come and bring your child/ren to walk through the learning environment and share time together. Time slots are booked online through www.schoolinterviews.co.nz
When is Opening Day?
All foundation students and their whÄnau are warmly welcomed to the official opening of Suzanne Aubert Catholic School on Wednesday 3rd of February starting at 9.30am on the school site. This will include a Mihi Whakatau, blessing of the buildings and shared manaakitanga. This will be an historical and special occasion to celebrate the beginning of our school alongside Bishop Steve, the Sisters of Compassion, local iwi, Ministry of Education, Parish and the wider community.
When is the first day of learning?
The first instructional day for our learners is Thursday 4th February 2021. We warmly welcome you and your whānau to come and support your child from 8-8:30am to ensure a smooth transition. We are really excited to welcome your children into the learning environments and begin our journey as the Suzanne Aubert learning community.
Do you have a school uniform?
Yes. Our school uniform provider is Kukri. The uniform has been developed in consultation with the community, Board of Trustees and staff. It has been designed for durability, comfort and to meet the needs of active learning all year round. You can order your child’s uniform online here. Your order will take 1-2 working days to be delivered after purchase.
Where can I get the required stationery?
Our stationery provider is OfficeMax. To order your child’s stationery, please click the following link and follow the instructions: My School Stationery.
In the online ordering, Junior students are classed as Year 0-2 and Seniors are classed as Year 3-6.
What are the hours of learning in the daily timetable?
The school is open from 8am and we begin our learning at 8.30am. Morning tea is from 10.30-11am and lunchtime is from 12.30pm-1:15pm. The school day finishes at 2.30pm.
Do you have a before and after school care programme?
We work with both Playtime and Coast Kids Papamoa as our care providers. Both providers offer an offsite service at their Papamoa facilities. Playtime between 7am and 5.30pm in the Golden Sands School Gym and Coast Kids from 7-9am and 2.30-6pm. Please contact them directly if you require before and after school care.
What sporting opportunities do you provide?
We value active learning and therefore opportunities for physical education and activity are very much integrated into our learning program. We also hope to provide the chance for our learners to join sports teams across a variety of codes. This will be on a needs basis depending on the number of students interested for each code. If required, we have the option of joining with students from St Thomas More Catholic School to create teams.
How do I report absences?
Please email office@suzanneaubert.school.nz or call the office and leave your child’s name, whanau teacher and reason for absence.
How do I access school Policies?
All of our school policies can be accessed at www.schooldocs.co.nz. Search for our school and log in as follows:
User: suzanneaubert
Password: empower
Collaborative Learning
Why is there a need for change in the design of school buildings?
"The majority of New Zealand’s school buildings were built between 1950 and the 70s. Since then, teaching practice and student learning needs have changed significantly. New technologies and building materials allow for new, vibrant and well-connected learning spaces. All students deserve to be taught in these new modern learning environments and benefit from new teaching methods." – Ministry of Education
Learning is not the same as it was 10 years ago due to the exponential growth of technology. It has drastically changed our lives and also the workforce. Children can now learn anytime, anywhere and with anyone (ubiquitous learning). 47% of jobs will disappear in the next 25 years and robots will replace 5 million workers in 2020 alone. So to respond to the demands in this ever-changing world we need to create different learning spaces for different purposes to ensure every child can achieve within a future focused environment.
How does my child benefit from being in these collaborative learning environments?
They will be given opportunities to learn on their own and alongside others. We know through research that when teachers collaborate, they share responsibility for the learners, share collective expertise and demonstrate best practice on a daily basis. As a result, collective teaching practice improves and standards are raised. This builds teachers' capacity and knowledge which benefits all learners. Learners in turn end up getting the benefit of the “super teacher”.
How do you shape the Curriculum for Learners at Suzanne Aubert?
We use the New Zealand Curriculum as a framework for learning. We will shape our localised Suzanne Aubert Curriculum in response to the needs of our learners, community and environment. We will design a curriculum that is relevant, authentic and purposeful to our learners. We will create innovative learning opportunities for students to explore the world around them and make sense of their place in the world. This will be achieved through providing contexts for learning across all curriculum areas. Information about progress and achievement will be shared with families throughout the year. Teachers will use a collaborative approach to designing learning and share expertise and ideas to ensure the best outcome for each child. In our environments, you will see children learning independently, collaborating in small groups and connecting in large groups.
How many kaiako will be in each hub?
There are at least 3 kaiako in each learning hub at any given time. At Suzanne Aubert, our ratio of teachers to learners is unique and enables the learning partnership to be strengthened. This provides an opportunity to build a quality learning focused relationship between learner, whānau and teacher.
Will learning spaces be noisy?
The acoustic design in our learning spaces is world-class and uses up to date technology and materials to reduce noise. Through current research in building design, the layout of learning spaces provides optimum opportunities for students to focus on their learning. Different spaces will determine different purposes by providing the right environment for low volume independent focus, medium volume learning conversations and higher volume for ‘noisier’ activities. These design outcomes mean that noise is specifically reduced through the material on the walls, the use of break out spaces and speaker control systems.
Some classes will have different year levels. Will my child’s learning needs be met?
Learners are supported according to their specific abilities, goals and capabilities regardless of the year level expectations. There has always been a wide range of abilities within a ‘traditional’ classroom environment. This does not change in our learning space. Each child at Suzanne Aubert will have their needs met through the design of a personalised learning program which will enable them to access and make progress in the curriculum. The advantage of having more than one teacher in each learning space allows our kaiako to plan collaboratively and design learning that is differentiated for each child.
What are Whānau Classes?
Every child at Suzanne Aubert belongs to a whānau class and has a whānau teacher. This teacher is the first contact for parents and caregivers and is responsible for the pastoral care of your child. The first and last 15-20 minutes of every day is spent with the whānau teacher taking attendance, sharing prayer and celebrating whanaungatanga. Research indicates that we make the most gains with students when we develop strong learning focused relationships. To support the transition process for our learners, we believe it is important for siblings to be with each other in these whānau groups. That is why if you have more than one child in the same learning community, you will notice that they are in the same whānau class.
How will children be grouped for learning?
Learners are grouped depending on their needs, context and expected outcomes. Throughout the day, your child could be grouped in any one of the following ways:
- By their choice of learning context
- By a mutually shared interest
- By mixed ability grouping
- By ability and the Curriculum level your child is working at.
Grouping of learners at Suzanne Aubert will be flexible depending on teacher observations and through the rigorous use of ongoing assessment. Groupings will not be fixed, as all children learn at different rates.
Catholic Character
Will our children attend Mass?
Mass will be held with the parish priest at school every Tuesday morning at 11.15am for the school to attend. The school Tabernacle which holds the Blessed Sacrament is in the Harakeke hub (senior learning space).
Will our children pray?
On a Monday morning we celebrate Liturgy to start the week. This is to focus on the Gospel reading for that week and the current liturgical celebration. We warmly welcome whanau to join us for this. We will also pray at the beginning of the day, the end of the day and before meals. Spontaneous prayer is encouraged and may take place where appropriate anytime throughout the day.
When is the Sacramental preparation program? How do I get involved?
The Sacramental program begins in February 2021 with a parents/caregivers only meeting held on Thursday 4th February at St Thomas More parish centre. Please register your child/ren early using the online submission form in the Sacraments section of the Parish website. For more information contact the office of All Saints by the Sea between the hours of 9am and noon, Monday-Friday or email pastoral@allsaintsbythesea.nz
Can I still enrol my child at Suzanne Aubert Catholic Catholic School?
Yes we are still accepting enrolments. Our school enrolment forms and procedures are available on the website here.
How will you support the transition of my child from early learning to school?
We make phone contact with all Suzanne Aubert Whanau that enrol in our school and they are invited to meet face to face with our leadership team. Every learner will be sent a letter of enrolment, school newsletter and kaiako profile. We work closely with the early childhood centres and kindergartens to ensure a smooth transition for our littlest learners. Our transition programme involves a series of visits in the learning hubs prior to starting school.
How does school entry work for our 5 year old child?
We have cohort entry at Suzanne Aubert where there will be 2 intakes each term. These cohorts are the beginning of week 1 and week 6 each term. Before each cohort starts, there is a series of visits both to ECE’s and Suzanne Aubert to ensure that learners are familiar with the school environment and their whÄnau teacher. After enrolment you will be contacted with the details of your child’s transition.
How long will it take for my child to settle into school?
All learners are unique and special and adjust to change at different rates. It is normal for learners to take at least 6-8 weeks to settle into new routines, spaces and people. If your child is still unsettled after this time please make sure you communicate this with your whānau teacher.